Give to the local church first?

We recommend that you give to your local church first, then give to ______.

I hear this all of the time, I got to wondering where this idea came from. Is there a Bible story that teaches this or did someone come up with it and it sounded so "right" that we just grabbed ahold of it? I ran a Google search (I know, I know) to see if anybody else had written anything on this topic and it did not seem there was much out there. One article I did find lays out some very interesting arguments about this very topic. I loved this statement Robin A. Brace makes at the end:
"Ministers should not continue to behave as though we were still in the middle of 19th century denominationalism which insisted on loyalty to the local church alone, rather, pastors should warmly encourage their members to be very aware of world-wide issues facing Christians and the Christian Gospel and should rejoice when their people feel impelled by conscience to support more global Christian endeavors"
 What do you think?

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