What about "the poor tithe?"

A friend of mine just posted her recent experience on Facebook about how money is tight and how she felt like she was rationalizing and that maybe it was ok to not tithe just this one week to pay for necessities.

It is criminal that the church has convinced so much of the body of Christ that they must follow the Jewish practice of collecting the Levitical tithe and handing it to the local church. The problem I see is that all of the arguments for maintaining the Levitical (priesthood) tithe are equally valid for maintaining the second tithe AND the poor tithe. The church has carefully left those out.

Nowhere in scripture is the church given authority to collect a tithe. Nowhere in scripture is a pastor/shepherd given authority to collect a tithe.

This friend of mine could have benefitted from the proceeds of the poor tithe. What gives church?

1 comment:

  1. The local church around the world is suffering a great stress due to this heresy of tithing. Please my fellow ministers of the true gospel, make every effort to reach out to our innocent brethren who are ignorant of the truth. there are many poor remote village churches who have no access to the internet.
